Yes, it is worth it!
CMS missionaries M and K live in South Asia, reaching their neighbours and community with the hope of the gospel. Here, they share how God has sustained them with joy and courage amid the difficulties of raising a young family in South Asia.
‘In him, we and our kids will receive all that we need (Philippians 4:19). That gives us courage!’
Reality of life in South Asia
A sickening thud from the bathroom, followed by the screams of our toddler son, had us running from both sides of our flat. Our son had slipped on the wet floor of the bathroom and hit his head. We were shocked when the CT scan revealed a hairline fracture in his skull. In God’s kindness, he was okay and there were no repercussions from his fall.
Any parent dreads these stressful situations. But living in a town in South Asia where medical services are under-resourced, we may not be able to speak our own language to the doctors, and relatives are on the other side of the world—all this heightens the stress.
This is the reality of raising a young family in South Asia.
We had several concerns about moving to South Asia to share the gospel. We grieved that our kids would not grow up close to our friends and family. We were uncertain about raising them in an environment where they would know so few other Christians. We were sad that they would not get to attend church regularly (let alone a Christian children’s program). We felt concerned about the constant undesired attention they would receive as foreigners.
Even now, in difficult moments like when they develop horrible coughs from the pollution, we question whether we made the right decision in choosing to raise them here. It is hard.
The God who sustains
Yet, throughout these challenges, the God of peace has continued to sustain us and remind us that this is where he wants us for this chapter of our lives.
He reminds us of his great love for us and our kids (see John 17:23).
He encourages us because he is with us (see Matthew 28:20).
He is our model and example because he was willing to leave his home to rescue us (John 1:14, Philippians 2:5).
He teaches us that life with him is better than the false, temporary security of the world (Matthew 16:25).
And he reminds us that his plans for the world are bigger than our family—his love is for the whole world (John 3:16) and he is building his church in all nations (Revelation 7:9).
Is it worth it?
And so, as we deal with sickness, as we compose ourselves after our rickshaw breaks and we fall onto the road, and as we watch our children grow up in this context, we sometimes wonder—is it worth it?
But then, we think of friends like Tessie*, a little 3-year-old whose dad has just become a believer, and whose mum is exploring faith. What a difference it will make if she grows up hearing about the love Jesus has for her. Yes, it is worth it!
This is our confidence: that God is sending his people to be witnesses of his love and grace into all the world (Acts 1:8). In him, we and our kids will receive all that we need (Philippians 4:19). That gives us courage!
*Name changed for security reasons.

Several CMS missionaries, like M and K, are raising young families in challenging environments, without the support of nearby friends and family. How can you show your support and care for these gospel workers from a distance? Click here to find out.