Giving thanks
Under God, many people have served with CMS over the years. We regularly acknowledge and give thanks to God for former or current CMS missionaries who have been called home to be with their heavenly Father.
Margie Nicoll
Let us thank God for the life and witness of his servant, Margie Nicoll, who went to be with Christ on 30 October 2024, aged 92. Margie served the Lord with CMS as a nurse in Roper River (Ngukurr) in North Australia from 1964-68. We give thanks for her life and service.
Richard Chittleborough
Let us thank God for the life and witness of his servant, Richard Chittleborough, who went to be with Christ on 21 November 2024, aged 77. Richard and his wife Claire were accepted as CMS missionaries in 1978. After training at St Andrew’s Hall, they were deployed to Tanzania to serve in medicine. They studied Swahili and then began work at Murgwanza Hospital, Ngara District, which was under the Diocese of Victoria Nyanza. Their work was incredibly challenging due to staff changes, and a shortage of food, medical supplies and water. Despite these challenges, they earned the love and respect of many people in the area. Let us praise God for his servant Richard, now rejoicing with Jesus.
Genevieve Cutler
We also give God thanks for the life and ministry of his servant Genevieve (Gen) Cutler, who went to be with Christ on 16 December 2024, aged 104. After training as a nurse, Genevieve moved to Tanganyika (Tanzania) in 1951. She served as a secretary to Bishop Alfred Stanway in the Diocese of Central Tanganyika. In 1954, she delivered the first baby of CMS missionaries Norman and Mary Powys. She continued her nursing ministry and in 1968 became the resident nurse and teacher of the wives’ class in St Philip’s Theological College, Kongwa. During her 20 years in Tanzania, God blessed her through the East African Revival Fellowship. She finished her ministry with CMS in 1971, and continued to serve the Lord in Melbourne. She was an active member of CMS prayer groups. We pray for God’s comfort over her family and friends, and give thanks for her life and service.
Florence Shellard
We also praise the Lord for the life and ministry of Florence Shellard, who went to be with Christ on 18 December 2024, aged 100. Florence and her husband Jack left for Tanganyika (Tanzania) with CMS in 1953 with their three children. In Dodoma, Jack worked as head of the Alliance School (now St John’s University of Tanzania). Florence became fluent in Swahili from her daily interactions with home and school African staff, with whom she held morning devotions. In the East African Revival Fellowship, they made many life-long African friends. In 1959, they moved north to Musoma, where Jack was founding headmaster of Musoma Alliance School. Florence travelled around local villages leading Mothers’ Union and teaching mothercraft and Bible lessons using her art. Jack and Florence served in the local church in Musoma town, with Florence running the large Sunday School. She was also the school matron for the schoolboys with a dispensary in the family home. She was an enormous support to Jack and showed great hospitality, including to the President of Tanzania. They finished their service with CMS in 1967. Florence served with and later became the secretary of the Mission Aid Group (MAG). Let us give thanks for Florence’s life and service, and pray for her family and friends as they grieve.