Beyond the facade
CMS missionaries Daniel & Kate Morris, are serving in Lille, France. Kate challenges us to remember that Europe is not Christian, and explains why there is a great need for more gospel workers.
What comes to mind when you picture Europe? Perhaps the spectacular beauty of the Notre Dame Cathedral in France, the glistening waters of the canals of Amsterdam, or the bustling tourist-filled city of Brussels. Europe has come to trust in this dazzling wealth and beauty. Europe has rejected Christianity, preferring to carve its own gods from worldly pleasures and earthly wisdom.
But hope in anything other than Christ is not a hope that lasts. The beauty of Europe is a façade hiding its spiritual destitution. Yet cracks appear. Notre Dame Cathedral recently experienced a devastating fire, Amsterdam’s canals are becoming choked with pollution, and the once-busy streets of Brussels have been emptied of tourists due to Coronavirus. What does Europe have to hope in when it has openly rejected the gospel and its false gods are so easily destroyed?
Our decision to GO
When we lived in Australia, Daniel and I prayed for Europe, particularly France, for years. We could see the desperate need for the gospel, so we joined with missionaries in France in begging God to grow his church there, and to raise more local and international workers for France. As partners in Australia we know we had a real part in what was happening in France. God used us to prayerfully and financially support the work, and so we were part of the answer to our own prayers!
Eventually, we decided to go further and join the team on location. It was extremely costly in so many ways to leave Australia, but we went because we want to see a France that knows Jesus. There are so few Christians in France, yet so many who need to hear the gospel. God is working powerfully in France, growing his people in maturity and growing his churches.
Essential work
Our city of Lille is in the north of France. Although it is the fourth largest city in France, it’s referred to as ‘the sticks’ and is surrounded by farms and fields. When the Coronavirus caused complete lockdown in France, only essential workers could leave their homes. Public transport almost completely stopped and there were very few cars. Yet there were still many tractors on the roads. The farmers continued to work because their work is essential. Despite the pandemic, fields must be ploughed, seeds sown, and harvests collected.
…we were part of the answer to our own prayers!
Gospel work is essential too, and it cannot wait. The field is being ploughed. Seeds are being sown. The harvest is plentiful, and the workers are few. We are partnering with keen local workers and people across France are turning to Christ. God is at work!
Furthermore, CMS supporters in Australia are essential too. Your generous financial sacrifices fuel us, and your prayerful support is used by God.
Please don’t be distracted by Europe’s thin façade of wealth and Christian heritage. See through the cracks to its desperate gospel poverty. As Europe continues to suffer from the crippling blow of the pandemic, would you commit to supporting the essential work here? Europe is impoverished, suffering, and lost. Please consider partnering with missionaries in Europe as we work to see a Europe that knows Jesus.
Behind the beautiful façade, secularism and the hardness of people’s hearts can make mission work in Europe very challenging. Do you have the character and conviction needed to serve there? Learn more by contacting your local branch.