CMS Summer Conferences 2017

QNNSW Summer School speaks via Skype to the Hughes family, serving in Japan.
January is always an exciting month for CMS. Across the month, thousands of supporters gather at CMS Summer Conferences organised by all of our branches, all over Australia.
This year, Summer Conferences were greatly encouraging times of faithful Bible teaching, enriching fellowship and challenging opportunities to consider God’s call to take the gospel to the nations.
CMS NSW & ACT Summer School was grateful for a warm week after last year’s torrential rain! Attendees enjoyed presentations from a number of missionaries, and were particularly encouraged by visiting international speaker Bishop Mwita Akiri to consider if they could go to help strengthen the church in Africa. Bishop Akiri shared, “The future of orthodox, biblical Christianity in Africa is at stake. Now is the time when Africa needs evangelical theological educators from Australia … We are inviting people to come and help us.” As has been the case for many years, the kids’ program at NSW Summer School was extremely popular!
Attendees at CMS QNNSW’s Summer School were challenged to live their lives by ‘Cross Culture’ and walk in the footsteps of the Apostles, through teaching from the Book of Acts. Cielle van Vuueren shared, “Summer School renewed my focus on what’s really important. It challenged me to live for the gospel in Australia, and to use my time and finances in light of God’s bigger picture.”
CMS VIC’s Summer Under the Son conference had the theme of “Endurance for His Kingdom”. Attendees were blessed by talks from Vaughan Roberts, a world renowned Christian speaker, who pushed them to persist in their faith. As at all the Summer Conferences, there were also a number of elective seminars run by cross-cultural experts and younger Victorian CMS supporters enjoyed a vibrant youth camp on the topic of Identity.
CMS TAS SummerView enjoyed an exciting few days including the commissioning of their new State Director, Scott Sargent. The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, Richard Condie, led the group through four stimulating studies in the book of Nehemiah, which challenged attendees to pray and act in the face of inevitable opposition, immerse themselves in the Bible and to be on their guard against the enemies of God.
The CMS SANT Summer Encounter was based on the theme “For His Glory”. Attendees saw what God is doing around the world, considered what part they could play in this work, and were renewed with a passion for his glory. On the Friday night of Summer Encounter, the Christian band Sons of Korah shared in worship and guest speaker, Bishop Greg Anderson of the Northern Territory, shared his passion for crossing cultures to share the gospel.
CMS WA Summer School was the final CMS Summer Conference for 2017, and took place last weekend. Leslie Stockley, who has attended the past four WA Summer Schools, shared that “CMS-WA Summer School is a great weekend spending time with brothers and sisters in Christ. The teaching and music are wonderful and it’s fantastic meeting the missionaries and hearing what they are doing.”
Praise God for a wonderful summer of learning, praying and considering how we can be involved in God’s saving work around the world.