Faith goes from Singapore to Switzerland
CMS missionary Narelle Hadfield, serving at St George’s International Anglican Church in Singapore, interviewed her friend Marion*. Marion was part of both the church and a Bible study, where she developed the confidence to assist in group leadership. She has recently returned to Switzerland and is looking for ways to continue to serve in a new church.
Narelle: Marion, you’ve been part of St George’s for three years now. What’s been significant about your time?
Marion: I think the most significant thing about my time at St George’s is how this church and my church family here has helped me—through the teaching, through the worship and through the small Bible study group—to handle change. I came to Singapore three years ago from Switzerland—not wanting to come to Singapore three years ago, not wanting to be uprooted, not wanting to be distanced from friends and family.
But here I have found a new church family, and a new support group, and a new and welcoming community. So, through the change I think the Lord has worked his goodness in helping me deal with the change, and bringing me to a good place.
Faith growing in Singapore
Narelle: What has God taught you over your time at St George’s?
Marion: I think there’s almost too much to say… do I have an hour? I think then we move on from dealing with change to transformation. St George’s teaching has been an area which has taught me so much in my own personal Christian life. It’s built me up.
The importance of small groups together, which I would like to call our Bible study group (it could be called a ‘life’ group), has been a source of support, encouragement, sharing struggles, and praying and praising together. Reports of seeing prayers answered in a big way, and Bible study, even being pushed a little bit—all nudged me to take on a role I never would have considered taking before.
So, I actually helped with the leadership of the Bible study group, and it’s been a big, big encouragement and I think there’s been a big growth in my Christian faith. I’ve been strengthened to be able to deal with the tough times life throws at us.
Faith moving to Switzerland
Narelle: You’re now moving back to Switzerland. Are there things that you would like us to pray for—ways in which you have changed from the person who came three years ago, to the person who goes back? Also, how might we now support you from a distance?
Marion: I think going back to Switzerland, my first priority now is to find a new church family, which I can fit into, and where I can serve.
Pray that this priority will be the top of my ‘moving list’ because it’s very important to have that spiritual support. But I know when I go back—and this is what is so wonderful—that I have a church supporting me here in Singapore as I move on.
So, I think every church group that prays for those who are sent out, that those who go to a different [place], they get moved on in their spiritual life and in their professional lives—there is the church family worldwide praying for them. I felt that when I left Switzerland, my old group prayed for me. I’m leaving here now and my group is praying for me. And so I pray that God will work again through these next changes in my life: that he will put me in a good place; and that I will be able to find a good church to continue growing in my Christian faith.
Further reflections on church in Singapore
Narelle: When you came to Singapore, you came to St George’s International Church. Why did you choose an international church rather than a local church?
Marion: Actually, there were several reasons, and some of them were by chance. I wrote to a number of churches, I googled what was available and St George was the first that answered and invited me according to my description of what I was used to, to the 10:15am service. When I walked in, the welcome was overwhelming. Someone had sneakily asked for me to send a photo so that they could recognise me on the day, and in fact, they circulated the photo among the welcome team!
And when I walked in, people said, “Welcome, you must be Marion.” It’s amazing to be welcomed like that, to be welcomed in person.
Then as the service started, there was worship in a language I could sing, songs that I knew from my past background, and teaching that is so embracing to many cultures. So, I did not feel uncomfortable and it didn’t feel strange to me. And the fact it’s an international church, I understand how people come and people go—but we all carried through in God’s family wherever we are. St George’s has built me up in order to go out and accept that I’m part of an international church. I will have to move on. But the church is still here and is still praying for me, and it’s going to accept more transition and more people coming. That’s been a very valuable part.
But also, what I’ve been very impressed with is the topics that St George’s addresses and it directly addresses worldwide topics. It addresses from the Bible. It talks about relationships, marriage, divorce, singleness, and we’ve just done an amazing series on mental health. And I realised that St George’s has taught me that the Bible is so relevant to my life today, and I’m very impressed by the level of the teaching.
Narelle: Is there something else that you would like to say?
Marion: I would like to encourage those who are praying for St George’s in Singapore to continue to build up even more the work that is going on here. It’s not easy when people come and people go and even ministers have to come and go. They move on. But that St George’s has such a strong fellowship. There is such wonderful work going on, and I want the prayers for this church to continue and I will continue praying for St George’s.
*Name has been changed for privacy reasons.
Thank God for the ministry of CMS missionaries Ian and Narelle Hadfield at St George’s Singapore and for the ministry of many international churches in sending and supporting believers. Thank God that Marion’s faith has been sustained and grown during her time in Singapore. Ask God to provide gospel opportunities in Singapore and Switzerland.